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Step 1 – Contact RA Partners

Contact us today by phone, email and we will send you a Buyers Form to complete


STEP 2: An Initial Meeting

The first meeting is arranged either in person, or by phone. The purpose of the meeting is to:

Explain the services offered go through your buyers form and answer your questions about using a buyer’s agent, and address any concerns you may have about purchasing property


STEP 3: The Service Begins | The Buyer’s Brief

Once you agree to engage the services of Your Buyers Agent, the retainer fee is payable. Then we are ready to begin searching for properties!  We will go through any properties that you may be interested in.


STEP 4: The Search for Property Begins

A variety of properties are sourced from both listed and unlisted (so called ‘silent listings’).  The searches are tailored to the needs of individual clients taking into account location, amenity and the physical characteristics of the property.  For investors, specific attention is given to capital growth potential and rental return.  When specific properties are identified database searches can be performed to identify previous sale prices, local development applications and other site specific concerns (e.g. Flood reports for Brisbane properties).  The reports are prepared including suburb profiles, comparative market appraisals and rental appraisals (if applicable).

RA Partners will physically inspect all suitable properties and the surrounding area to investigate the appeal of the property for home-buyers, investors and potential tenants.  Selling agents tend to focus on positive characters of the property only. RA Partners will work for you to identify any possible problems before you purchase.


STEP 5: The Shortlist

A shortlist of potential properties is presented to you in a report with digital photographs and/or video to create a ‘virtual tour’ of the property and surrounding area.  If you would like to inspect we encourage you to do so.


STEP 6: The Evaluation and Negotiation Begins

Stage 1 – EVALUATION – we will quickly communicate with the selling agent and seek to attain as much “inside information” as possible regarding vendor motivation, competitive activity and advise on pricing and develop a purchase strategy


Stage 2 – NEGOTIATION – if you would like to proceed with the property after receiving the above information, we will:

Coordinate building/pest/strata inspections and conveyancing as necessary, provide guidance in how to apply the information gleaned during the due diligence phase, bid at auction and/or negotiate the purchase on your behalf.

We work for you to obtain the best price and best conditions.  We will guide you through the contract process, ensuring that you understand the document and that it contains any special conditions that you require


STEP 7: We’re Ready to Settle | Contract to Settlement

When the contract has been signed the buying process is just beginning!  We will guide you through the process until settlement.  In conjunction with your solicitor and your financier we will ensure that the special terms in the contract are satisfied.  This will often include:

  • Finance approval

  • Building and pest inspections

  • Body corporate and other conveyancing searches

RA Partners will attend the building and pest inspections so we are fully aware of any potential problems.  If defects are revealed then we can help advise you of how to proceed.  This may include having building works performed, re-negotiating the purchase price, or even withdrawing from the contract if necessary.   RA Partners will also attend the pre-settlement inspections if required.   The success fee is payable RA Partners when the contract becomes unconditional.



The Buyers Agent Process

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